Carbon IRA & YouTility: How to Address Climate Change & Reward Carbon Reduction Before It’s Too Late

February 13, 2020 - Comment

According to the 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), adverse human impacts on global climate are worsening. Under present conditions, we have twelve years before the planet changes irreparably, potentially harming tens of millions of people. Nominally, 55-60 percent of the carbon build-up from humans comes from electricity and transportation. The ideas presented in

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According to the 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), adverse human impacts on global climate are worsening. Under present conditions, we have twelve years before the planet changes irreparably, potentially harming tens of millions of people.

Nominally, 55-60 percent of the carbon build-up from humans comes from electricity and transportation. The ideas presented in this book represent a quick-start way forward. If we organize the electricity industry around two core principles—the Carbon IRA and the YouTility—we may yet be able to stave off disaster.

The Carbon IRA is a way to motivate electricity consumers to use less and get engaged with solutions for individuals. The YouTility is a way to accelerate the infrastructure transformation on the production and delivery side.


Anonymous says:

An innovative, incentive based idea, to often emotional problem. I have read this and it’s very well done and makes some great points and offer some new innovative solutions. Glad to see, for once, a book on the topic that incorporates market forces, incentives and even mentions of Cost of Capital impacts in ways to address this. I have read other works by Mr. Makansi and in a very rational, fact based way, he always makes a compelling case. I love the approach and reasoning in this one as well and it’s worth the read regardless of what your views are on…

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