Solo 401(k) In a Nutshell (Understanding Retirement Accounts in a Nutshell) (Volume 1)
At last, a sound, easy-to-understand guide to retirement saving that puts financial independence within reach of every self-employed individual. The Solo 401(k) account is the key to building wealth for those who are self-employed or small business owners without full-time employees, and this book demystifies what it takes to establish and manage the plan. Unlike
At last, a sound, easy-to-understand guide to retirement saving that puts financial independence within reach of every self-employed individual. The Solo 401(k) account is the key to building wealth for those who are self-employed or small business owners without full-time employees, and this book demystifies what it takes to establish and manage the plan. Unlike books that delve into the often-confusing intricacies of these accounts, Solo 401(k) in a Nutshell cuts through extraneous details and provides exactly—and only—what the layperson needs to put the investment in place and get started down the road to financial freedom.
Adam Bergman, Esq., is a widely published authority on tax planning, IRAs, and 401(k)s whose expertise has been tapped by CBS News, Businessweek, CNN Money, Forbes, and USA Today. He is president of the IRA Financial Trust Company and a member of the tax division of the American Bar Association.
Excellent book on Solo 401k plans I have a Solo 401k, which was recommended by one of my trusted resources. There are times when I question what I can and can’t do with my Solo 401k – my advisor lets me know if I can do things under my 401k, but I want to find out the actual rules. I am not fond of reading the IRS rules – they’re hard to follow. This book does a great job explaining what a Solo 401k is and how it can be used. I know much more about the plan and I have much more confidence in using it for my investments to…
Rip off. This author wrote an original book and has released what is basically a subset. The concept of the Solo 401K Plan is good and their customer support is excellent. Too much fluff, too much self-praise, insufficient details on how to get the most out of establishing and operation a Solo 40lK.Dissappointed,
Excellent introduction to the solo 401k The solo 401k plan has not has nearly as much publicity as other types of plans. Many tax professionals are not familiar with it.This is an introductory book. If it appears to be an alternative for you, you need to study a more advanced book.